Sentier Méruimticook (Audrey Favre - Tourisme Edmundston)

Sentier Méruimticook (Audrey Favre- Tourisme Edmundston)

Sentier Méruimticook (Audrey Favre-Tourisme Edmundston)

Méruimticook Trail
The Sentier Méruimticook Trail Inc. is a long hiking trail highlighting the northwestern region of New-Brunswick. It starts at the Madawaska Maliseet First Nation, goes through the town of Edmundston, Saint-Jacques and the Communauté rurale de Haut-Madawaska (upper Madawask), and ends at the Lac Baker village. This 100 kilometer trail is built mainly for hiking, but some sections can be covered by bike or horse. This route is interesting to hikers who are inspired by the challenge of completing it entirely, or simply nature lovers who want to discover the landscape.